November 1, 2011

November 1, 2011

Regular price $ 5.00 $ 0.00

With our paint and poetry issue, we wax poetic with our features on the late, great poet-painter Joe Brainard and Tulsa’s own Russian expatriate Yevgeny Yevtushenko. We also bring you writing from Oklahoma’s patron saint of poetry, Fran Ringold.

JUST AS I WAS: CONFESSIONS OF A FALLEN SOUTHERN BAPTIST: Sheilah Bright takes one more step towards ridding herself of her Baptist upbringing once and for all.

IMAGINARY OKLAHOMA: Tao Lin brings us a story about Nicholas Cage gorging himself on cookies and panini.

GOODBYE TULSA:  Shawna Lewis says “Goodbye” to poet Wilma Elizabeth McDaniel—and possibly to the end of snail mail.

POETIC TULSA: Fran Ringold, the reigning matron of Tulsa poetry, waxes poetic about Oklahoma’s elaborate, if brief, love affair with the form.

ONE LONG SOUNDLESS SCREAM: Jeff Martin explores the validity of poetry today on the anniversary of Yevgeny Yevtushenko’s most famous work, “Babi Yar.”

THE WORLD IS YOURS: Holly Wall profiles Joe Brainard, a Tulsa artist who moved to New York to find inspiration, and who quit painting to find peace.

BACK IN TULSA AGAIN: Joe Brainard takes us on a wild ride to his home town.

SPORTS ILLUSTRATION: In-house illustrator Jeremy Luther slays some longhorns.

“C” IS FOR COLLABORATION:  James Vance examines the lesser-known comics art legacy of Tulsa painter and poet Joe Brainard.

POETRY: We present “The Japanese Garden” by Ron Padgett and “Autobiography” by Joe Brainard.

LETTER FROM SIBERIA: Cecilia Whitehurst writes of her time as an exchange student in Russia, where the host family shot vodka and the ice was always gray.

TRUE TULSA: Ralph Cole delivers a stunning shot of Tulsa singer, songwriter and actress Annie Ellicott. Featuring, as always, jaw-dropping feats of artistic acrobatics by Jeremy Luther and art director Carlos Knight. 

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